Dr. Oz’s show on Oprah’s XM Radio Channel

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So here’s the advertisment for the radio show tomorrow morning, where I’ll be speaking on Dr. Oz’s XM Oprah Radio channel (XM channel 156 at 7am, with repeats airing at 11am, 4pm, 11pm):

“After five years and fity-five Oprah Winfrey Shows, Dr. Oz is moving on- to his own show but before that he talks with people from all walks of life whose lives have changed for the healthier as a result of seeing one of his appearances on the show. From quitting smoking to early cancer detection to deep breathing techniques- its an hour of “Thank You Dr. Oz” for changing my life”.

And the advertisement for the Oprah show tomorrow:

“After five years on The Oprah Show, we’re saying goodbye to our beloved Dr. Oz. Plus, meet the tiny patient he could not forget.”

I’m not the “tiny patient” by the way.  Ha!

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